Everything You Need To Know About Roof Fall Protection In Australia

With different types of roof safety systems in the Australian market, there is more clarity on what protection from roof falls employers are required to give on roofs of their facilities and buildings. Contractors and employees engaged in infrequent and temporary work within 6 ft. to 10ft. of unprotected leading roof edge should have proper roof fall protection. Solutions for all types of roofs There are a lot of solutions for both high and low sloped roofs. From active fall arrest systems to passive fall prevention solutions, roof protection systems are designed to be non-intrusive and user friendly while providing uncompromising and continuous safety when working at height. Assessment Employers must perform a hazard assessment as the first step in protecting employees from falls. This will help to identify job tasks, areas that may expose employees to a fall and means of access. A site visit by qualified fall protection experts is necessary to help identify areas...