Different Types Of Roof Edge Protection You Need To Know
When choosing roof safety systems Melbourne for roof edge protection, it is important to know and understand the different types of roof edge protection. Scaffolding This is the most common system of protecting your employees from falling. It should not be used as a permanent edge solution. It is important to bear in mind that not everyone who accesses a roof is a construction worker – some of them can be members of the public and maintenance employees. Scaffolding is generally used by contractors to gain access to the roof. It takes a long time to set up scaffolding. It also takes a lot of time to take it down and it gives the site an untidy look. Fixed handrails Fixed handrails have disadvantages and advantages. Whilst they are sturdier than scaffolding, fixed handrails will pierce the membrane of your roof. There are several types of handrails and you can choose your most preferred type depending on your desired roof safety systems . Freestanding handrail This handrai...