Everything You Need To Know About Working At Heights

Whether you work at heights once in a while or every day, height safety equipment is necessary. It takes only one mistake to turn your work into a potential fatality. Falls are deadly and debilitating. You should be prepared to protect your workers each and every time they could be exposed.

Using railing

Use railing when you can. You need passive protection because it is the easiest way you can keep your workers safe for you to achieve compliance. Every style of rooftop has a unique railing system such as non-penetrating railing is used for flat and low slope roofs. Railings that are pre-fabricated can be portable or permanently affixed to suit your needs. Once in place, you will find railing to be the easiest equipment for fall protection.

Understand fall distance

Even if you use the best fall protection equipment or have the best height safety equipment inspector on your site, if your equipment allows you to hit the lower level before being engaged, it will be pointless.

Use ladders properly

You shouldn’t just assume that because you have a ladder at home, you are conversant with using ladders. The safest way to live nowadays is to assume that you don’t understand what you are doing. You are going to be right in most cases. Ladders cause a lot of workplaces and industrial accidents because people take their use for granted. People are familiar with ladders. They use them to paint the living room, hang Christmas lights and clean gutters. Just because you have never got hurt before it doesn’t mean you know how to use ladders.

Ladders are some of the easiest height safety equipment to use but when used improperly, they can be dangerous. Before using ladders, make sure you are using the right ladder for your work and make sure you educate employees on how to use them.


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