Precautions You Need To Take To Protect Aussie Workers Working At Height

When working at heights Victoria in Australia, the main safety concerns are objects and people falling, causing serious injuries and property damage. When working at height, you should ensure that the area below is safe. You should also ensure that the equipment used is maintained and in good condition for the job. Workers should be trained and competent to use the equipment to carry out the project safely. All workers should understand the work and the control measures to ensure their safety.
Working At Heights Victoria

When working on complex jobs, they should be accompanied by a detailed method statement. A work permit can be used to govern the work at height duration.


You can use ladders for access. However, ensure that the ladders are erected at the recommended angle. They should be secured at the top and positioned near the work so that there is no over-reaching. One of the working at heights precautions to take when using ladders is to ensure the ladders are protected at the base to stop pedestrians and vehicles from bumping into them.

Mobile elevated platforms

You should wear a safety harness when using mobile elevated platforms. You should only use the platform on a firm and level ground. At the ground level, work with a trained operator. Only use equipment with stabilisers and outriggers. The platform should be kept within safe working radius and limits, taking into account beams, wind speeds, power cables and hanging obstructions.


When using stepladders, you should ensure that they are spread to their full extent. They should also be locked off. You should only have one person on the step ladder at any given time. The stepladders used for working at heights Victoria in Australia should be appropriate. You should not use the top shelf, top tread or the rear of the steps as a foot support.


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